On 2010年03月23日 By Simon Kong In 互联网, Tags: Google, 互联网, 新闻, Comments (22)
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看到“欢迎您来到谷歌搜索在中国的新家”那几个字,我很诧异,也有种不详的预感。我顺势连接VPN登陆Official Google Blog,发现了Google更新不久的如下文章:
Official Google Blog: A new approach to China: an update
3/22/2010 12:03:00 PMOn January 12, we announced on this blog that Google and more than twenty other U.S. companies had been the victims of a sophisticated cyber attack originating from China, and that during our investigation into these attacks we had uncovered evidence to suggest that the Gmail accounts of dozens of human rights activists connected with China were being routinely accessed by third parties, most likely via phishing scams or malware placed on their computers. We also made clear that these attacks and the surveillance they uncovered—combined with attempts over the last year to further limit free speech on the web in China including the persistent blocking of websites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google Docs and Blogger—had led us to conclude that we could no longer continue censoring our results on Google.cn.So earlier today we stopped censoring our search services—Google Search, Google News, and Google Images—on Google.cn. Users visiting Google.cn are now being redirected to Google.com.hk, where we are offering uncensored search in simplified Chinese, specifically designed for users in mainland China and delivered via our servers in Hong Kong. Users in Hong Kong will continue to receive their existing uncensored, traditional Chinese service, also from Google.com.hk. Due to the increased load on our Hong Kong servers and the complicated nature of these changes, users may see some slowdown in service or find some products temporarily inaccessible as we switch everything over.
Figuring out how to make good on our promise to stop censoring search on Google.cn has been hard. We want as many people in the world as possible to have access to our services, including users in mainland China, yet the Chinese government has been crystal clear throughout our discussions that self-censorship is a non-negotiable legal requirement. We believe this new approach of providing uncensored search in simplified Chinese from Google.com.hk is a sensible solution to the challenges we’ve faced—it’s entirely legal and will meaningfully increase access to information for people in China. We very much hope that the Chinese government respects our decision, though we are well aware that it could at any time block access to our services. We will therefore be carefully monitoring access issues, and have created this new web page, which we will update regularly each day, so that everyone can see which Google services are available in China.
In terms of Google’s wider business operations, we intend to continue R&D work in China and also to maintain a sales presence there, though the size of the sales team will obviously be partially dependent on the ability of mainland Chinese users to access Google.com.hk. Finally, we would like to make clear that all these decisions have been driven and implemented by our executives in the United States, and that none of our employees in China can, or should, be held responsible for them. Despite all the uncertainty and difficulties they have faced since we made our announcement in January, they have continued to focus on serving our Chinese users and customers. We are immensely proud of them.
Posted by David Drummond, SVP, Corporate Development and Chief Legal Officer
我终于意识到,“Google”退出中国以及“谷歌”不复存在的日子还是要来了。几天前,我曾经发表过一篇文章,论谷歌中国的离去,其实当时也没有太放在心上。我认为Google的高调宣布退出,七分由于受不了中国政府的政策管制,三分有炒作的嫌疑。然而看到今日谷歌斩钉截铁的离去,心中不免有些遗憾。重新体验Google的新家后,我发现大部分服务仍然都在。而且Google的新家的全部搜索结果都是未经过滤的。Google所谓的NEW APPROACH实际上是造福网民的,因为他让原来的“经过多层过滤”的搜索结果变成了现在的“纯天然”搜索结果;然而这样做的后果是,中国政府随时随地都会把这个Google的中国新家放在墙外,不懂翻墙的人要倒霉了。以前他们可以搜索阉割后的结果(实际上基于很多人的搜索关键词,结果阉割不阉割都是无关痛痒的),以后他们可能什么连搜索都没法用了。这叫什么,宁为玉碎不为瓦全吗?!
关于Google的离去,跟中国政府的态度,谁对谁错,我仍然没有立场,无法评论。因为有时一场冲突的发生,可能两方都有过失,也有可能两方都没错,都做了可选方案中唯一最优的一种。立场决定了态度。Google秉持他的立场,选择了离开;中国政府也有义务选择政府的立场。这都是令两方无奈的事情。Google离开中国,是必然的无奈。有些问题,经过透彻的分析与研究,你可以最终得出到底谁对谁错;但还有些问题,即使经过了周全的分析,最终的结果也无非是从这个角度讲是这样对,从那个角 度讲是那样对。我想对于谷歌的离去或许就属于这种问题。Google扬言欲与中国政府谈判,以找到合理的解决方案,矛头直指中国的言论自由。正如上面所说的,我可以作为一个普通网民诉苦自己上网越来越不方便 了,这给我造成了伤害。但我无法断言中国这样做是对是错。因为我缺乏足够多的论据。我身边可以给我支持的论据大多来自这个网络本身,这些来自被过滤过的网络本身的材料,本来就不能使人有周全的判断。
其实,绝大多数网友对浏览自由的欲求远大于言论自由。芸芸草根们,恐怕并不是每个人都要发表什么危害他人的观点,我们 需求更多的只是能够接受来自世界各地的卓越的互联网服务。但可惜的是,政府要对言论自由加以管制的话,最有效的方法就是先控制浏览自由。这些种种的现实难 免与Google的企业价值观相悖。我认为企业发展的终极形态其实可以和个人效用吻合,企业也追求效用最大化。Google跟中国的翻脸,你可以说是它不 追求这百分之三十的利益而选择企业信念,你也可以说是它为了保存企业整体形象以获得更大利益。或许很少人直到被阉割的谷歌中国已经让Google在北美的 口碑有所下降以致其利益的损失。
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2010年03月23日 @ 16:51
我觉得这个不是咱老百姓能左右的事了,静观其变只能~ PS:造福网“名”打错了。。我在博客上推荐你咯;)
Simon Kong 回复:
2010年03月23日 @ 19:42
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2010年04月01日 @ 16:19
呵呵 google 不合乎中国国情啊